Sandmining from streambeds in the U.S. is regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.
Under this legislation,
the government is authorized to deny or restrict the specification of any defined area as
a disposal site, whenever it is determined that the discharge of dredged or fill materials into such area will have an unacceptable adverse
effect on municipal water supplies, shellfish beds and fishery areas, wildlife, or recreational areas.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regulates sandmining operations under the Endangered
Species Act of 1973.
It is unlawful
for any person to remove any endangered species of listed plants, from areas under federal
jurisdiction; to maliciously damage or destroy any such species on any such area; or to remove,
cut, dig up, or damage or destroy any species on any other area in knowing violation of any law
or regulation of any state.