Faculty Profile - Victor M. Ponce

Visit to Mexico City [160926]

Gustavo, Malinalli, and Dr. Ponce at the Mexico City airport at 7:00 am.

Rubí and Luis Magallon.

Rubí Arratia Pérez at five months of age.

Carolyn Allen, Donna Tisdale, Flor with Rubi, Doña Angelina, and Luis.

Flor with Rubi, Doña Angelina, and Dr. Ponce.

Donna and Carolyn at the Zocalo.

Luis at Palacio de Bellas Artes (Mexico City's Fine Arts Palace).

Dr. Ponce and Doña Angelina at Palacio de Bellas Artes.

Donna, Dr. Ponce, Flor with Rubi, and Carolyn.

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