Choose a topic on September 26 for Section 1 (Monday) and September 28 for Section 2 (Wednesday). Submit the following on that date (on a sheet of paper): Name, e-mail, and selected topics: first, second, and third choice (use short name).

  1. The future of San Diego landfills (SAN DIEGO LANDFILLS)

  2. The future of San Diego county's water resources (SAN DIEGO WATER)

  3. The future of San Diego county's energy resources (SAN DIEGO ENERGY)

  4. The future of San Diego county's wastewater treatment (SAN DIEGO WASTEWATER)

  5. The future of California landfills (CALIFORNIA LANDFILLS)

  6. The future of California's population (POPULATION)

  7. The future of groundwater use in California (GROUNDWATER)

  8. The future of flood control in California (FLOOD)

  9. The future of sediment control in California (SEDIMENT CONTROL)

  10. The future of salinity control in California (SALINITY CONTROL)

  11. The future of high-speed rail in California (HIGH-SPEED)

  12. The future of new building materials in California (MATERIALS)

  13. The future of earthquake resistance design in California (EARTHQUAKE)

  14. The future of roundabouts in California (ROUNDABOUTS)

  15. The future of permeable pavements in California (PAVEMENTS)

  16. The future of wildland fire control in California (FIRE)

  17. The future of water resources in California (WATER RESOURCES)

  18. The future of hydroelectric energy in California (HYDROELECTRIC)

  19. The future of solar energy in California (SOLAR)

  20. The future of wind energy in California (WIND)

  21. The future of geothermal energy in California (GEOTHERMAL)

  22. The future of acid rain in the United States. (ACID RAIN)

  23. The future of hazardous wastes in the United States. (HAZARDOUS)

  24. The future of the ozone hole (OZONE HOLE)

  25. The future of sustainable development (SUSTAINABLE)