FALL 2010


Choose a topic starting September 27 for Section 1 (Monday) and September 29 for Section 2 (Wednesday). Submit the following on that date (on a sheet of paper): Name, e-mail, and selected topics: first, second, and third choice (use short name). The instructor will inform you of your topic through e-mail.

  1. The future of California's population (POPULATION)

  2. The future of San Diego's Point Loma's wastewater treatment plant (POINT LOMA)

  3. The future of San Diego's landfill needs (SAN DIEGO LANDFILLS)

  4. The future of California's San Joaquin valley (SAN JOAQUIN)

  5. The future of California's Tulare Lake basin (TULARE LAKE)

  6. The future of irrigated agriculture in California (AGRICULTURE)

  7. The future of landfills in California (CALIFORNIA LANDFILLS)

  8. The future of groundwater use in California (GROUNDWATER)

  9. The future of hydraulic engineering in California (HYDRAULIC)

  10. The future of flood control in California (FLOOD)

  11. The future of salinity control in California (SALINITY)

  12. The future of basin salt balance in California (BALANCE)

  13. The future of water reclamation in California (WATER RECLAMATION)

  14. The future of land development in California (DEVELOPMENT)

  15. The future of high-speed rail in California (HIGH-SPEED)

  16. The future of new building materials in California (MATERIALS)

  17. The future of earthquake resistance design in California (EARTHQUAKE)

  18. The future of ecological architecture in California (ARCHITECTURE)

  19. The future of roundabouts in California (ROUNDABOUTS)

  20. The future of permeable pavements in California (PAVEMENTS)

  21. The future of mass transit in California (MASS TRANSIT)

  22. The future of wildland fire control in California (FIRE)

  23. The future of hydroelectric energy in California (HYDROELECTRIC)

  24. The future of solar energy in California (SOLAR)

  25. The future of wind energy in California (WIND)