LAB No. 8
- What is the discharge in a pipe of diameter D = 0.3 m when the head loss is hf/L = 0.008
and the relative roughness is ks/D = 0.0006? Assume water temperature T = 15°C.
- What is the pipe diameter D (m) for a discharge of Q = 113 L/s, head loss
of hf/L = 0.008, and absolute roughness ks = 0.00018 m ? Assume water temperature T = 20°C.
- Assume three reservoirs A, B, and C connected as shown below.
The elevations (relative to C) are: zA = 85 ft, zB = 180 ft, zD = 25 ft.
Line AD is 5,000-ft long and 1-ft diameter; BD is 6,000-ft long and 0.5 ft diameter;
DC is 8,000-ft long and 1 ft diameter. Calculate the discharge in each pipe
and the head at D. Assume f = 0.03 in all pipes. Neglect minor losses.
Verify with onlinepipe02.
- A pipeline carrying Q = 1 m2 of water is divided into two pipes 1 and 2. The diameter, length and friction factor of pipe 1 are 0.3 m, 1000 m, and 0.02, respectively.
The diameter, length and friction factor of pipe 2 are 0.5 m, 1500 m, and 0.03, respectively. Calculate the discharge in each pipe, and
confirm that Q1 + Q2 = Q.
Calculate the head loss through each pipe and confirm that they are the same. Verify with onlinepipe01.