FALL 2009

  1. Determine the water savings, in cubic meters, during the month of May, to be accomplished by planting a wind break (a line of trees) in a farm. The farm area is 50 ha, and the wind velocity at 2-m depth is expected to be reduced from 200 km/day to 80 km/day. The mean monthly air temperature is 17oC. The mean monthly net radiation is 580 cal/cm2/day. The relative humidity is 70%. If the cost of water is $300/1000 m3, what is the savings realized?

    Use Penman calculator (92).

  2. Calculate the time of concentration for a basin with L = 250 m, So = 0.01, and n = 0.05, i = 25 mm/hr, using the Kirpich, Kerby-Hathaway and Papadakis-Kazan formulas.

    Use time of concentration calculator (120).

  3. Determine the 100-yr flood discharge for a basin located in Southern California, with the following data:   drainage area A = 8 mi2, 24-hr rainfall depth P = 3 in, [normal] curve number CN = 73, time of concentration tc = 1 hr, and percentage of pond and swamp areas = 0%. What would be the 100-yr flood discharge for a [wet] CN = 87?

    Use TR-55 calculator (105).

  4. A certain basin has a 1-hr unit hydrograph as follows:

    Hourly ordinates (cfs):     0, 100, 300, 700, 500, 300, 100, 0

    Calculate the composite flood hydrograph for the following 3-hr storm rainfall:

    Hourly ordinates (in/hr):     1.5, 2.5, 1.0

    Assume CN = 90.

    Use Convolution calculator (111).