1. (b) n = 1 (justified based on extreme effective roughness of Florida Everglades).
At bank-full flow, it is low due to erasure of ripples and dunes (upper regime)
At average flood stage, it is high due to roughness of trees and biuldings.
At extreme flood stages, it is again low due to low relative roughness.
In the upstream end, Sy is asymptotic to Sc and 0.
In the downstream end, Sy is asymptotic to So and 0.
ii. Standard-step method is DIFFICULT.
ii. Standard-step method is used for
ANY-SHAPE (usually natural) channel.
ii. Standard-step method ASSUMES DISTANCE and calculates flow depth.
ii. Standard-step method uses FLOW DEPTH
as dependent variable.
ii. Standrad-step method advances BY ITERATION.
ii. In the
standard-step method accuracy increases with MORE CROSS SECTIONS.
ii. Standard-step method uses MANY DIFFERENT cross sections.
ii. Standard-step method has EXTENSIVE.
ii. Standard-step method uses HEC-RAS.
ii. In the
standard-step method an answer is SOMETIMES NOT POSSIBLE.
Too much vegetation clearing is bad for the enviroment, because riparian vegetation does serve a useful purpose.
Too little clearing represents a flood risk, because roughness increases and conveyance decreases.
A happy medium needs to be determined.