In the numerator, the relative kinematic or relative Seddon celerity β (V -1). In the denominator, the relative dynamic or relative Lagrange celerity
B. The kinematic shock travel downstream; the tidal bore travels upstream.
C. Because on the no-slip condition, the velocity at the bottom is effectively zero.
D. Because the q is hydraulic, while the Q is hydrologic. The unit-width analysis applies to natural channels, because most natural channels are hydraulically wide.
E. Gravity, friction, pressure gradient, and inertia.
F. A flux is a quantity through an area in a unit of time. Energy is the integral of force in space; momentum is the integral of force in time.
Both energy and momentum apply in the specific case of the hydraulic jump.
G. F = 0.08, in the absence of detailed calculations.
H. n = 1.0, which is laminar, and high.