LECTURE 16: HEC-RAS, Chapter 5, Modeling bridges


  • HEC-RAS computes energy losses caused by structures such as bridges and culverts in three parts.

  • One part consists of losses that occur in the reach immediately downstream from the structure, where an expansion of flow generally takes place.

  • The second part is the losses at the structure itself, which can be modeled with several different methods.

  • The third part consists of losses that occur in the reach immediately upstream of the structure, where the flow is generally contracting to get through the opening.

  • This chapter discusses how bridges are modeled using HEC-RAS.

  • Discussions include: general modeling guidelines; hydraulic computations through the bridge; selecting a bridge modeling approach; and unique bridge problems and suggested approaches.


  • Considerations for modeling the geometry of a reach of river in the vicinity of a bridge are essentially the same for any of the available bridge modeling approaches within HEC-RAS.

  • Modeling guidelines are provided in this section for locating cross sections; defining ineffective flow areas; and evaluating contraction and expansion losses around bridges.

Cross Section Locations

  • The bridge routines utilize four user-defined cross sections in the computations of energy losses due to the structure.

  • During the hydraulic computations, the program automatically formulates two additional cross sections inside of the bridge structure.

  • A plan view of the basic cross section layout is shown in Figure 5.1.

    FIG. 5.1

  • The cross sections in Figure 5.1 are labeled as river stations 1, 2, 3, and 4 for the purpose of discussion within this chapter.

  • Whenever the user is performing water surface profile computations through a bridge (or any other hydraulic structure), additional cross sections should always be included both downstream and upstream of the bridge.

  • This will prevent any user-entered boundary conditions from affecting the hydraulic results through the bridge.

  • Cross section 1 is located sufficiently downstream from the structure so that the flow is not affected by the structure (i.e., the flow has fully expanded).

  • This distance (the expansion reach length, Le) should generally be determined by field investigation during high flows.

  • The expansion distance will vary depending upon the degree of constriction, the shape of the constriction, the magnitude of the flow, and the velocity of the flow.

  • Table 5.1 offers ranges of expansion ratios, which can be used for different degrees of constriction, different slopes, and different ratios of the overbank roughness to main channel roughness.

  • Once an expansion ratio is selected, the distance to the downstream end of the expansion reach (the distance Le on Figure 5.1) is found by multiplying the expansion ratio by the average obstruction length (the average of the distances A to B and C to D from Figure 5.1).

  • The average obstruction length is half of the total reduction in floodplain width caused by the two bridge approach embankments.

  • In Table 5.1, b/B is the ratio of the bridge opening width to the total floodplain width, nob is the Manning n value for the overbank, nc is the n value for the main channel, and S is the longitudinal slope.

  • The values in the interior of the table are the ranges of the expansion ratio.

  • For each range, the higher value is typically associated with a higher discharge.

  • A detailed study of flow contraction and expansion zones has been completed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center entitled Flow Transitions in Bridge Backwater Analysis (RD-42, HEC, 1995).

  • The purpose of this study was to provide better guidance to hydraulic engineers performing water surface profile computations through bridges.

  • Specifically the study focused on determining the expansion reach length, Le; the contraction reach length, Lc; the expansion energy loss coefficient, Ce; and the contraction energy loss coefficient, Cc.

  • A summary of this research, and the final recommendations, can be found in Appendix B of this document.

  • The user should not allow the distance between cross section 1 and 2 to become so great that friction losses will not be adequately modeled.

  • If the modeler thinks that the expansion reach will require a long distance, then intermediate cross sections should be placed within the expansion reach in order to adequately model friction losses.

  • The ineffective flow option can be used to limit the effective flow area of the intermediate cross sections in the expansion reach.

  • Cross section 2 is located a short distance downstream from the bridge (i.e., commonly placed at the downstream toe of the road embankment).

  • This cross section should represent the area just outside the bridge.

  • Cross section 3 should be located a short distance upstream from the bridge (commonly placed at the upstream toe of the road embankment).

  • The distance between cross section 3 and the bridge should only reflect the length required for the abrupt acceleration and contraction of the flow that occurs in the immediate area of the opening.

  • Cross section 3 represents the effective flow area just upstream of the bridge.

  • Both cross sections 2 and 3 will have ineffective flow areas to either side of the bridge opening during low flow and pressure flow profiles.

  • In order to model only the effective flow areas at these two sections, the modeler should use the ineffective flow area option at both of these cross sections.

  • Cross section 4 is an upstream cross section where the flow lines are approximately parallel and the cross section is fully effective.

  • In general, flow contractions occur over a shorter distance than flow expansions.

  • The distance between cross section 3 and 4 (the contraction reach length, Lc) should generally be determined by field investigation during high flows.

  • Traditionally, the Corps of Engineers used a criterion to locate the upstream cross section one times the average length of the side constriction caused by the structure abutments (the average of the distance from A to B and C to D on Figure 5.1).

  • The contraction distance will vary depending upon the degree of constriction, the shape of the constriction, the magnitude of the flow, and the velocity of the flow.

  • As mentioned previously, the detailed study Flow Transitions in Bridge Backwater Analysis (RD-42, HEC, 1995) was performed to provide better guidance to hydraulic engineers performing water surface profile computations through bridges.

  • A summary of this research, and the final recommendations, can be found in Appendix B of this document.

  • During the hydraulic computations, the program automatically formulates two additional cross sections inside of the bridge structure.

  • The geometry inside of the bridge is a combination of the bounding cross sections (sections 2 and 3) and the bridge geometry.

  • The bridge geometry consists of the bridge deck and roadway, sloping abutments if necessary, and any piers that may exist.

  • The user can specify different bridge geometry for the upstream and downstream sides of the structure if necessary.

  • Cross section 2 and the structure information on the downstream side of the bridge are used as the geometry just inside the structure at the downstream end.

  • Cross section 3 and the upstream structure information are used as the bridge geometry just inside the structure at the upstream end.

Defining Ineffective Flow Areas

  • A basic problem in defining the bridge data is the definition of ineffective flow areas near the bridge structure.

  • Referring to Figure 5-1, the dashed lines represent the effective flow boundary for low flow and pressure flow conditions.

  • Therefore, for cross sections 2 and 3, ineffective flow areas to either side of the bridge opening (along distance AB and CD) should not be included as part of the active flow area for low flow or pressure flow.

  • The bridge example shown in Figure 5.2 is a typical situation where the bridge spans the entire floodway and its abutments obstruct the natural floodplain.

  • This is a similar situation as was shown in plan view in Figure 5.1.

  • The cross section numbers and locations are the same as those discussed in the Cross Section Locations section of this chapter.

  • The problem is to convert the natural ground profile at cross sections 2 and 3 from the cross section shown in part B to that shown in part C of Figure 5.2.

  • The elimination of the ineffective overbank areas can be accomplished by redefining the geometry at cross sections 2 and 3 or by using the natural ground profile and requesting the program's ineffective area option to eliminate the use of the overbank area (as shown in part C of Figure 5.2).

  • Also, for high flows (flows over topping the bridge deck), the area outside of the main bridge opening may no longer be ineffective, and will need to be included as active flow area.

  • If the modeler chooses to redefine the cross section, a fixed boundary is used at the sides of the cross section to contain the flow, when in fact a solid boundary is not physically there.

  • The use of the ineffective area option is more appropriate and it does not add wetted perimeter to the active flow boundary above the given ground profile.

    Fig. 5.2.

    The ineffective area option is used at sections 2 and 3 to keep all the active flow in the area of the bridge opening until the elevations associated with the left and/or right ineffective flow areas are exceeded by the computed water surface elevation.

  • The program allows the stations and controlling elevations of the left and right ineffective flow areas to be specified by the user.

  • Also, the stations of the ineffective flow areas do not have to coincide with stations of the ground profile, the program will interpolate the ground station.

  • The ineffective flow areas should be set at stations that will adequately describe the active flow area at cross sections 2 and 3.

  • In general, these stations should be placed outside the edges of the bridge opening to allow for the contraction and expansion of flow that occurs in the immediate vicinity of the bridge.

  • On the upstream side of the bridge (section 3) the flow is contracting rapidly.

  • A practical method for placing the stations of the ineffective flow areas is to assume a 1:1 contraction rate in the immediate vicinity of the bridge.

  • In other words, if cross section 3 is 10 feet from the upstream bridge face, the ineffective flow areas should be placed 10 feet away from each side of the bridge opening.

  • On the downstream side of the bridge (section 2), a similar assumption can be applied. The active flow area on the downstream side of the bridge may be less than, equal to, or greater than the width of the bridge opening.

  • As flow converges into the bridge opening, depending on the abruptness of the abutments, the active flow area may constrict to be less than the bridge opening.

  • As the flow passes through and out of the bridge it begins to expand.

  • Because of this phenomenon, estimating the stationing of the ineffective flow areas at cross section 2 can be very difficult.

  • In general, the user should make the active flow area equal to the width of the bridge opening or wider (to account for flow expanding), unless the bridge abutments are very abrupt (vertical wall abutments with no wing walls).

  • The elevations specified for ineffective flow should correspond to elevations where significant weir flow passes over the bridge.

  • For the downstream cross section, the threshold water surface elevation for weir flow is not usually known on the initial run, so an estimate must be made.

  • An elevation below the minimum top-of-road, such as an average between the low chord and minimum top-of-road, can be used as a first estimate.

  • Using the ineffective area option to define the ineffective flow areas allows the overbank areas to become effective as soon as the ineffective area elevations are exceeded.

  • The assumption is that under weir flow conditions, the water can generally flow across the whole bridge length and the entire overbank in the vicinity of the bridge would be effectively carrying flow up to and over the bridge.

  • If it is more reasonable to assume only part of the overbank is effective for carrying flow when the bridge is under weir flow, then the overbank n values can be increased to reduce the amount of conveyance in the overbank areas under weir flow conditions.

  • Cross section 3, just upstream from the bridge, is usually defined in the same manner as cross section 2. In many cases the cross sections are identical.

  • The only difference generally is the stations and elevations to use for the ineffective area option.

  • For the upstream cross section, the elevation should initially be set to the low point of the top-of-road.

  • When this is done the user could possibly get a solution where the bridge hydraulics are computing weir flow, but the upstream water surface elevation comes out lower than the top of road.

  • Both the weir flow and pressure flow equations are based on the energy grade line in the upstream cross section.

  • Once an upstream energy is computed from the bridge hydraulics, the program tries to compute a water surface elevation in the upstream cross section that corresponds to that energy.

  • Occasionally the program may get a water surface that is confined by the ineffective flow areas and lower than the minimum top of road.

  • When this happens, the user should decrease the elevations of the upstream ineffective flow areas in order to get them to turn off.

  • Once they turn off, the computed water surface elevation will be much closer to the computed energy gradeline (which is higher than the minimum high chord elevation).

  • Using the ineffective area option in the manner just described for the two cross sections on either side of the bridge provides for a constricted section when all of the flow is going under the bridge.

  • When the water surface is higher than the control elevations used, the entire cross section is used.

  • The program user should check the computed solutions on either side of the bridge section to ensure they are consistent with the type of flow.

  • That is, for low flow or pressure flow solutions, the output should show the effective area restricted to the bridge opening.

  • When the bridge output indicates weir flow, the solution should show that the entire cross section is effective.

  • During overflow situations, the modeler should ensure that the overbank flow around the bridge is consistent with the weir flow.

Contraction and Expansion Losses

  • Losses due to contraction and expansion of flow between cross sections are determined during the standard step profile calculations.

  • Manning's equation is used to calculate friction losses, and all other losses are described in terms of a coefficient times the absolute value of the change in velocity head between adjacent cross sections.

  • When the velocity head increases in the downstream direction, a contraction coefficient is used; and when the velocity head decreases, an expansion coefficient is used.

  • As shown in Figure 5.1, the flow contraction occurs between cross sections 4 and 3, while the flow expansion occurs between sections 2 and 1.

  • The contraction and expansion coefficients are used to compute energy losses associated with changes in the shape of river cross-sections (or effective flow areas).

  • The loss due to expansion of flow is usually larger than the contraction loss, and losses from short abrupt transitions are larger than losses from gradual transitions.

  • Typical values for contraction and expansion coefficients under subcritical flow conditions are shown in Table 5.2 below.

    Table 5.2

    The maximum value for the contraction and expansion coefficient is 1.0.

  • As mentioned previously, a detailed study was completed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center entitled Flow Transitions in Bridge Backwater Analysis (HEC, 1995).

  • A summary of this research, as well as recommendations for contraction and expansion coefficients, can be found in Appendix B.

  • In general, contraction and expansion coefficients for supercritical flow should be lower than subcritical flow.

  • For typical bridges that are under class C flow conditions (totally supercritical flow), the contraction and expansion coefficients should be around 0.05 and 0.1 respectively.

  • For abrupt bridge transitions under class C flow, values of 0.1 and 0.2 may be more appropriate.


  • The bridge routines in HEC-RAS allow the modeler to analyze a bridge with several different methods without changing the bridge geometry.

  • The bridge routines have the ability to model low flow (Class A, B, and C), low flow and weir flow (with adjustments for submergence on the weir), pressure flow (orifice and sluice gate equations), pressure and weir flow, and highly submerged flows (the program will automatically switch to the energy equation when the flow over the road is highly submerged).

  • This portion of the manual describes in detail how the program models each of these different flow types.

Low-flow Computations

  • Low flow exists when the flow going through the bridge opening is open channel flow (water surface below the highest point on the low chord of the bridge opening).

  • For low flow computations, the program first uses the momentum equation to identify the class of flow.

  • This is accomplished by first calculating the momentum at critical depth inside the bridge at the upstream and downstream ends.

  • The end with the higher momentum (therefore most constricted section) will be the controlling section in the bridge.

  • If the two sections are identical, the program selects the upstream bridge section as the controlling section.

  • The momentum at critical depth in the controlling section is then compared to the momentum of the flow downstream of the bridge when performing a subcritical profile (upstream of the bridge for a supercritical profile).

  • If the momentum downstream is greater than the critical depth momentum inside the bridge, the class of flow is considered to be completely subcritical (i.e., class A low flow).

  • If the momentum downstream is less than the momentum at critical depth, in the controlling bridge section, then it is assumed that the constriction will cause the flow to pass through critical depth and a hydraulic jump will occur at some distance downstream (i.e., class B low flow).

  • If the profile is completely supercritical through the bridge, then this is considered class C low flow.

    Class A low flow.

  • Class A low flow exists when the water surface through the bridge is completely subcritical (i.e., above critical depth).

  • Energy losses through the expansion (sections 2 to 1) are calculated as friction losses and expansion losses.

  • Friction losses are based on a weighted friction slope times a weighted reach length between sections 1 and 2.

  • The weighted friction slope is based on one of the four available alternatives in the HEC-RAS, with the average-conveyance method being the default.

  • This option is user selectable.

  • The average length used in the calculation is based on a discharge-weighted reach length.

  • Energy losses through the contraction (sections 3 to 4) are calculated as friction losses and contraction losses.

  • Friction and contraction losses between sections 3 and 4 are calculated in the same way as friction and expansion losses between sections 1 and 2.

  • There are four methods available for computing losses through the bridge (sections 2 to 3):

    1. Energy Equation (standard step method)

    2. Momentum Balance

    3. Yarnell Equation

    4. FHWA WSPRO method

  • The user can select any or all of these methods to be computed.

  • This allows the modeler to compare the answers from several techniques all in a single execution of the program.

  • If more than one method is selected, the user must choose either a single method as the final solution or direct the program to use the method that computes the greatest energy loss through the bridge as the final solution at section 3.

  • Minimal results are available for all the methods computed, but detailed results are available for the method that is selected as the final answer.

  • A detailed discussion of each method follows.

    Energy Equation (standard step method)

  • The energy-based method treats a bridge in the same manner as a natural river cross-section, except the area of the bridge below the water surface is subtracted from the total area, and the wetted perimeter is increased where the water is in contact with the bridge structure.

  • As described previously, the program formulates two cross sections inside the bridge by combining the ground information of sections 2 and 3 with the bridge geometry.

  • As shown in Figure 5.3, for the purposes of discussion, these cross sections will be referred to as sections BD (Bridge Downstream) and BU (Bridge Upstream).

  • The sequence of calculations starts with a standard step calculation from just downstream of the bridge (section 2) to just inside of the bridge (section BD) at the downstream end.

  • The program then performs a standard step through the bridge (from section BD to section BU).

  • The last calculation is to step out of the bridge (from section BU to section 3).

  • The energy-based method requires Manning's n values for friction losses and contraction and expansion coefficients for transition losses.

  • The estimate of Manning's n values is well documented in many hydraulics text books, as well as several research studies.

  • Basic guidance for estimating roughness coefficients is provided in Chapter 3 of this manual.

  • Contraction and expansion coefficients are also provided in Chapter 3, as well as in earlier sections of this chapter.

  • Detailed output is available for cross sections inside the bridge (sections BD and BU) as well as the user entered cross sections (sections 2 and 3).

    Momentum Balance Method:

  • The momentum method is based on performing a momentum balance from cross section 2 to cross-section 3.

  • The momentum balance is performed in three steps.

  • The first step is to perform a momentum balance from cross section 2 to cross-section BD inside the bridge.

  • The equation for this momentum balance is as follows:

    Eq. 5-1

  • The second step is a momentum balance from section BD to BU (see Figure 5.3).

  • The equation for this step is as follows:

    Eq. 5-2

  • The final step is a momentum balance from section BU to section 3 (see Figure 5.3).

  • The equation for this step is as follows:

    Eq. 5-3

  • The momentum balance method requires the use of roughness coefficients for the estimation of the friction force and a drag coefficient for the force of drag on piers.

  • As mentioned previously, roughness coefficients are described in Chapter 3 of this manual.

  • Drag coefficients are used to estimate the force due to the water moving around the piers, the separation of the flow, and the resulting wake that occurs downstream. Drag coefficients for various cylindrical shapes have been derived from experimental data (Lindsey, 1938).

  • The following table shows some typical drag coefficients that can be used for piers:

    Table 5.3

    The momentum method provides detailed output for the cross sections inside the bridge (BU and BD) as well as outside the bridge (2 and 3).

  • The user has the option of turning the friction and weight force components off.

  • The default is to include the friction force but not the weight component.

  • The computation of the weight force is dependent upon computing a mean bed slope through the bridge.

  • Estimating a mean bed slope can be very difficult with irregular cross section data.

  • A bad estimate of the bed slope can lead to large errors in the momentum solution.

  • The user can turn this force on if they feel that the bed slope through the bridge is well behaved for their application.

  • During the momentum calculations, if the water surface (at sections BD and BU) comes into contact with the maximum low chord of the bridge, the momentum balance is assumed to be invalid and the results are not used.

    Yarnell Equation:

  • The Yarnell equation is an empirical equation that is used to predict the change in water surface from just downstream of the bridge (section 2 of Figure 5.3) to just upstream of the bridge (section 3).

  • The equation is based on approximately 2600 lab experiments in which the researchers varied the shape of the piers, the width, the length, the angle, and the flow rate.

  • The Yarnell equation is as follows (Yarnell, 1934):

    Eq. 5.4

    The computed upstream water surface elevation (section 3) is simply the downstream water surface elevation plus H3-2.

  • With the upstream water surface known the program computes the corresponding velocity head and energy elevation for the upstream section (section 3).

  • When the Yarnell method is used, hydraulic information is only provided at cross sections 2 and 3 (no information is provided for sections BU and BD).


  • The Yarnell equation is sensitive to the pier shape (K coefficient), the pier obstructed area, and the velocity of the water.

  • The method is not sensitive to the shape of the bridge opening, the shape of the abutments, or the width of the bridge.

  • Because of these limitations, the Yarnell method should only be used at bridges where the majority of the energy losses are associated with the piers.

  • When Yarnell's equation is used for computing the change in water surface through the bridge, the user must supply the Yarnell pier shape coefficient, K.

  • The following table gives values for Yarnell's pier coefficient, K, for various pier shapes:

    Table 5.4

    FHWA WSPRO Method:

  • The low flow hydraulic computations of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) WSPRO computer program, has been adapted as an option for low flow hydraulics in HEC-RAS.

  • The WSPRO methodology had to be modified slightly in order to fit into the HEC-RAS concept of cross- section locations around and through a bridge.

  • The WSPRO method computes the water surface profile through a bridge by solving the energy equation.

  • The method is an iterative solution performed from the exit cross section (1) to the approach cross-section (4).

  • The energy balance is performed in steps from the exit section (1) to the cross section just downstream of the bridge (2); from just downstream of the bridge (2) to inside of the bridge at the downstream end (BD); from inside of the bridge at the downstream end (BD) to inside of the bridge at the upstream end (BU); from inside of the bridge at the upstream end (BU) to just upstream of the bridge (3); and from just upstream of the bridge (3) to the approach section (4).

  • A general energy balance equation from the exit section to the approach section can be written as follows:


  • XXX


  • XXX
