Considerations for modeling the geometry of a reach of river in the vicinity of
a bridge are essentially the same for any of the available bridge modeling
approaches within HEC-RAS.
- Modeling guidelines are provided in this
section for locating cross sections; defining ineffective flow areas; and
evaluating contraction and expansion losses around bridges.
Cross Section Locations
The bridge routines utilize four user-defined cross sections in the
computations of energy losses due to the structure.
- During the hydraulic
computations, the program automatically formulates two additional cross
sections inside of the bridge structure.
- A plan view of the basic cross section
layout is shown in Figure 5.1.
FIG. 5.1
- The cross sections in Figure 5.1 are labeled as
river stations 1, 2, 3, and 4 for the purpose of discussion within this chapter.
Whenever the user is performing water surface profile computations through
a bridge (or any other hydraulic structure), additional cross sections should
always be included both downstream and upstream of the bridge.
- This will
prevent any user-entered boundary conditions from affecting the hydraulic
results through the bridge.
Cross section 1 is located sufficiently downstream from the structure so that
the flow is not affected by the structure (i.e., the flow has fully expanded).
This distance (the expansion reach length, Le) should generally be determined
by field investigation during high flows.
- The expansion distance will vary
depending upon the degree of constriction, the shape of the constriction, the
magnitude of the flow, and the velocity of the flow.
Table 5.1 offers ranges of expansion ratios, which can be used for different
degrees of constriction, different slopes, and different ratios of the overbank
roughness to main channel roughness.
- Once an expansion ratio is selected,
the distance to the downstream end of the expansion reach (the distance Le on
Figure 5.1) is found by multiplying the expansion ratio by the average
obstruction length (the average of the distances A to B and C to D from
Figure 5.1).
- The average obstruction length is half of the total reduction in
floodplain width caused by the two bridge approach embankments.
- In Table
5.1, b/B is the ratio of the bridge opening width to the total floodplain width,
nob is the Manning n value for the overbank, nc is the n value for the main
channel, and S is the longitudinal slope.
- The values in the interior of the table
are the ranges of the expansion ratio.
- For each range, the higher value is
typically associated with a higher discharge.
A detailed study of flow contraction and expansion zones has been completed
by the Hydrologic Engineering Center entitled Flow Transitions in Bridge
Backwater Analysis (RD-42, HEC, 1995).
- The purpose of this study was to
provide better guidance to hydraulic engineers performing water surface
profile computations through bridges.
- Specifically the study focused on
determining the expansion reach length, Le; the contraction reach length, Lc;
the expansion energy loss coefficient, Ce; and the contraction energy loss
coefficient, Cc.
- A summary of this research, and the final recommendations,
can be found in Appendix B of this document.
The user should not allow the distance between cross section 1 and 2 to
become so great that friction losses will not be adequately modeled.
- If the
modeler thinks that the expansion reach will require a long distance, then
intermediate cross sections should be placed within the expansion reach in
order to adequately model friction losses.
- The ineffective flow option can be
used to limit the effective flow area of the intermediate cross sections in the
expansion reach.
Cross section 2 is located a short distance downstream from the bridge (i.e.,
commonly placed at the downstream toe of the road embankment).
- This cross
section should represent the area just outside the bridge.
Cross section 3 should be located a short distance upstream from the bridge
(commonly placed at the upstream toe of the road embankment).
- The
distance between cross section 3 and the bridge should only reflect the length
required for the abrupt acceleration and contraction of the flow that occurs in
the immediate area of the opening.
- Cross section 3 represents the effective
flow area just upstream of the bridge.
- Both cross sections 2 and 3 will have
ineffective flow areas to either side of the bridge opening during low flow and
pressure flow profiles.
- In order to model only the effective flow areas at these
two sections, the modeler should use the ineffective flow area option at both
of these cross sections.
Cross section 4 is an upstream cross section where the flow lines are
approximately parallel and the cross section is fully effective.
- In general,
flow contractions occur over a shorter distance than flow expansions.
- The
distance between cross section 3 and 4 (the contraction reach length, Lc)
should generally be determined by field investigation during high flows.
Traditionally, the Corps of Engineers used a criterion to locate the upstream
cross section one times the average length of the side constriction caused by
the structure abutments (the average of the distance from A to B and C to D
on Figure 5.1).
- The contraction distance will vary depending upon the degree
of constriction, the shape of the constriction, the magnitude of the flow, and
the velocity of the flow.
- As mentioned previously, the detailed study Flow
Transitions in Bridge Backwater Analysis (RD-42, HEC, 1995) was
performed to provide better guidance to hydraulic engineers performing water
surface profile computations through bridges.
- A summary of this research,
and the final recommendations, can be found in Appendix B of this
During the hydraulic computations, the program automatically formulates two
additional cross sections inside of the bridge structure.
- The geometry inside
of the bridge is a combination of the bounding cross sections (sections 2 and
3) and the bridge geometry.
- The bridge geometry consists of the bridge deck
and roadway, sloping abutments if necessary, and any piers that may exist.
The user can specify different bridge geometry for the upstream and
downstream sides of the structure if necessary.
- Cross section 2 and the
structure information on the downstream side of the bridge are used as the
geometry just inside the structure at the downstream end.
- Cross section 3 and
the upstream structure information are used as the bridge geometry just inside
the structure at the upstream end.
Defining Ineffective Flow Areas
Contraction and Expansion Losses