• Surface runoff in catchments occurs as a progression of the following forms:

  • A catchment area can be as little as 1 ha to hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

  • In small catchments (watersheds), runoff is controlled by overland flow processes.

  • In large catchments (river basins), runoff is controlled by storage processes in the river channels.

  • In midsize catchments (large watersheds or small basins), runoff is controlled by both overland flow (kinematic) and channel storage (diffusion).

  • The hydrologic characteristics of catchments, watersheds, basins are described in terms of the following properties:

    • Drainage Area

    • Catchment shape

    • Catchment relief

    • Linear measures

    • Drainage patterns


Catchment Area

  • Drainage area determines the potential runoff volume, provided the storm covers the whole area.

  • The larger the catchment, the less likely that the storm will cover all the area.

  • The collection of peaks and saddles determine the location (loci) of the catchment divide.

  • The topographic divide may not coincide with the hydrologic divide (subsurface flow)

  • Unless there is a detailed groundwater flow evaluation, the topographic divide is used as a hydrologic divide.

  • Runoff originates at high points and moves toward lower points in a direction perpendicular to the terrain's contour lines.

  • Several formulas have been proposed to relate peak flow to catchment area.

  • A basic formula is:

    Qp = C Am

    in which:

    Qp = peak flow

    A = catchment area

    c and m = constants.


Catchment Shape

  • Horton described the outline of a normal catchment as a pear-shaped ovoid.

  • A form ratio is defined as:

    Kf = A / L2

    in which:

      Kf = form ratio

      A = catchment area

      L = catchment length, measured along the longest watercourse.

  • An alternate description is based on catchment perimeter rather than area.

  • For this purpose, an equivalent circle is defined as a circle of area equal to that of the catchment.

  • The compactness ratio is the ratio of the catchment perimeter to that of the equivalent circle.

    Kc = Pc / Pe

    Pe = π (4Ac/π)1/2

    Kc = Pc / [2 (π)1/2 Ac1/2]

    Kc = 0.282 Pc / Ac1/2

    in which:

      Kc = compactness ratio

      Pc = catchment perimeter

      Pe = perimeter pf the equivalent circle

      Ac = catchment area.


  • Catchment response refers to the relative concentration and timing of runoff.

  • A high form ratio or a compactness ratio close to 1 describes a catchment having a fast and peaked catchment response.

  • Other factors such as relief, vegetative cover, and drainage density are usually more important than shape in determining catchment response.


Catchment relief

  • Maximum catchment relief is the elevation difference between the highest point in the catchment divide and the lowest point, located at the catchment outlet.

  • The principal watercourse is the largest watercourse, and the one conveying the flow to the outlet.

  • Relief ratio is the ratio of maximum catchment relief and the longest horizontal distance, measured along the principal watercourse.

  • The relief ratio is a measure of the intensity of erosional processes, or geodynamics.

  • Relief is quantitatively described with a hypsometric curve.

  • This is a dimensionless plot of the variation of surface area with elevation.

  • To develop a hypsometric plot, several elevations are selected, and each elevation is associated with a partial area above that elevation.

  • Elevations and partial areas are expressed in percentage of the maximum height and area, respectively.

Fig. 2-17

  • The longitudinal profile of a channel is a plot of elevation vs horizontal distance.

  • Channel slope or channel gradient is the ratio of vertical to horizontal distance.

  • In the absence of geologic controls, longitudinal profiles are usually concave when viewed from above.

  • Channel gradients are directly related to bottom friction and inversely related to flow depth.

  • Typically, friction decreases and flow depth increases in the downstream direction.

  • If the profile is convex, there are geologic controls (rock outcroppings) acting to invalidate the geomorphological principle.

Fig. 2-18

  • Channel gradients vary widely, from steeper than 0.1 to as mild as 0.000006.

  • The channel gradient obtained from the maximum and minimum elevations is referred to as S1 slope.

  • The S2 slope is the constant slope that makes the shaded area above it equal to the shaded area below it.

  • An expedient way to calculate the S2 slope is to equate the total area below it to the total area below the longitudinal profile.

Fig. 2-19

  • S3 equivalent slope takes into account the basin response time.

  • The channel is divided into n subreaches, and a slope calculated for each subreach.

  • The time of travel through each subreach is directly proportional to its length and inversely proportional to its velocity, i.e., to the square root of its slope (the Manning equation).

  • The time of travel through the whole channel is assumed to be directly proportional to its length and inversely proportional to the square root of S3.

Eq. 2-55

  • The USGS State Equations compute channel slope S between two points located at 10% and 85% of the channel, measured in the upstream direction.

  • The NRCS (ex SCS) determines average surface slope by overlying a square grid pattern over a topographic map of the watershed.

  • The maximum slope at each intersection is evaluated, and the average of all values calculated.

    Fig. 2-20


Linear Measures

  • The catchment length (or hydraulic length) is the length measured along a principal watercourse.

  • The length to catchment centroid is the length measured along the principal watercourse, from the catchment outlet to a point located closest to the catchment centroid.

  • Stream order is essential to the hierarchical description of streams.

  • Overland flow is of hypothetical zero order.

  • A first-order stream receives flows from zero-order streams.

  • Two first-order streams combine to form a second-order stream.

  • The catchment's stream order is the order of the main stream at the mouth.

Figs. 2-22 and 2-23


Drainage density

  • The catchment's drainage density is the ratio of total stream length to catchment area.

  • A high drainage density reflects a fast and peaked runoff response.

  • A low drainage density is characteristic of a delayed response.

  • The mean overland flow length is approximately equal to half the mean distance between stream channels.

  • It can be estimated as one-half of the reciprocal of the drainage density.

Lo = 1 / (2D)

  • This approximation neglects the effect of channel and surface (ground) slope, which increases the value of Lo.

  • Use the following equation to include channel and surface slope into overland flow length calculation:

Lo = 1 / {(2D) [1 - (Sc / Ss)]}


Drainage patterns

  • Drainage patterns vary widely.

  • Types of drainage patterns that are recognizable on aerial photos are shown in Fig. 2-24.

  • There patterns reflect geologic, soil, and vegetation effects, and are related to hydrologic properties such as runoff response or annual water yield.

Fig. 2-24


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