• Engineering hydrology takes a quantitative view of the hydrologic cycle.

  • Rainfall is the liquid form of precipitation.

  • The catchment has an abstractive capability that acts to reduce total rainfall into effective rainfall.

  • The difference between these two is the hydrologic abstractions.

  • Hydrologic abstractions include

    • interception,

    • infiltration,

    • surface storage,

    • evaporation, and

    • evapotranspiration.

  • Effective rainfall and runoff are equivalent.

  • Hydrologic mass balance equations use units of mm, cm, on inches, uniformly distributed over the entire catchment.

  • The Earth's atmosphere contains water vapor.

  • The amount of vapor is expressed as a depth of precipitable water.

  • The amount of water vapor contained in the air is a function of the temperature.

  • Lowering of the temperature reduces the amount of water vapor that the air can contain. The rest is precipitated.

  • Cooling of air masses can be due to:

    • Horizontal convergence lifting: moist air masses move to low-pressure area, collide, vapor raises, and cooling results.

    • Frontal lifting: warm moist air moves into colder air, which acts as a wedge; warm air rises, and cooling results.

    • Orographic lifting: moist air flows toward an orographic barrier and is forced to rise, resulting in its cooling.

    • Longwave-radiation lifting: in heavily vegetated regions, with low albedo, excess longwave radiation warms moist air and results in its lifting.

  • Condensed water vapor must attain precipitation size in order to precipitate.

  • Air particles such as aerosols trigger coalescence of condensed water vapor into rain drops.

  • Factors affecting precipitation  (Link 4203).


Quantitative description of rainfall

  • Rain consists of liquid-water drops, mostly larger than 0.5 mm in diameter.

  • Rainfall intensities can be light (less than 3 mm/hr) to heavy (more than 10 mm/hr).

  • Snow is ice crystals.

  • Hail is solid icestones, from 5 to 125 mm in diameter.

  • Rainfall durations of 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and 24 hr are common.

  • Rainfall depths can vary widely, depending on climate and season.

  • Larger depths occur more infrequently.

  • For example: a 60 mm rainfall lasting 6 hr may occur once every 10 yr (Intensity-Duration-Frequency).

  • Return period is the reciprocal of the frequency: once in 50 yr (1/50) means a 50 yr return period.

  • For long return periods, data is lacking to support statistical analysis (more than 100 years).

  • Deterministic concept of PMP (Probable Maximum Precipitation) takes over in the U.S.

  • PMP leads to PMF (Probable Maximum Flood).

  • SPF (Standard Project Flood) is a fraction of the PMF (Corps of Engineers practice).

  • Q&A on the return period to be used for design. (Link 4221).


Temporal rainfall distribution

  • Variation of rainfall depth within the event duration is depicted by the temporal rainfall distribution.

  • Discrete form is the hyetograph.

  • Continuous form is the temporal rainfall distribution (Fig. 2-2)

Fig. 2-2


Spatial rainfall distribution

  • The same amount of rainfall does not fall uniformly over the entire catchment.

  • Isohyets depict the spatial variation of rainfall (Fig. 2-4)

  • In regional rainfall maps, isohyets are referred to as isopluvials.

  • San Diego County 24-hr isopluvials.

Fig. 2-4


Average precipitation over an area

  • It is often necessary to determine a spatial average of precipitation.

  • This is performed in three ways:

    1. Average method: raingage depths are averaged without regard to intensity or areal distribution.

    2. Thiessen polygons: raingage locations are joined with straight lines, and perpendicular bisectors determine the area of influence of each raingage.

    3. Isohyetal method: raingage depths are used to draw contours of equal rainfall (isohyets); mid-distance between two adjacent isohyets determine area of influence of each isohyet.

Fig. 2-6


Storm analysis

  • Storm depth h and duration t are directly related.

    h = c t n

  • Exponent n varies between 0.2 and 0.5.

  • Depth-duration data for the world's greatest observed rainfall events.

    h = 39 t 0.5

    Fig. 2-7

  • Differentiating rainfall depth with respect to duration:

    dh/dt = i = c n t n-1

  • Simplifying:

    i = a / t m

  • in which a = cn; and m = 1 - n.

  • A more general intensity-duration model is:

    i = a / (t + b) m

  • An intensity-duration-frequency model is:

    i = K Tn / (t + b) m

  • in which K = a coefficient; and n = an exponent.

    Fig. 2-8


Storm depth and catchment area

  • Generally, the greater the catchment, the smaller the spatially averaged storm depth.

  • Point depth is the storm depth associated with a point area.

  • Point area is the smallest area below which the variation of storm depth with catchment area is assumed negligible.

  • Reduction in point depth is warranted for large catchments.

  • NWS depth-area reduction charts are available.

Fig. 2-9





  • This is an alternate way of portraying the reduction of storm depth with area, with duration as a third variable.

Fig. 2-10


Sources of precipitation data


Filling in missing records

  • Incomplete records of rainfall are sometimes due to operation error or equipment malfunction.

  • The mean annual rainfall N for stations X, A, B, and C is evaluated.

  • If the mean annual rainfall at A, B, and C is within 10% of that of X, a simple average is sufficient.

  • If not, then the normal ratio method is used to fill in missing records at station X:

    PX = (1/3) [(NX/NA)PA + (NX/NB)PB + (NX/NC)PC ]

  • in which P = precipitation, N = mean annual rainfall, for stations X, A, B, and C.

  • In the NWS method, data for four neighboring stations (one in each quadrant) is weighted in proportion to the reciprocal of the square of its distance to station X.

Fig. 2-11

  • The procedure is described by the following formula:

Eq. 2-11


Double-mass analysis

  • Consistency of a rainfall record is tested with double-mass analysis.

  • This method compares the cumulative annual or seasonal values of station Y with those of a reference station X.

  • The reference station X is usually the mean of several neighboring stations.

  • The cumulative pairs are plotted in an x-y coordinate system.

  • If the plot is linear, the record for Y is consistent.

  • If the plot shows a break in slope, the record for station Y is inconsistent.

  • Correction is performed by adjusting the records prior to the break to reflect the new state (after the break).

  • The rainfall records prior to the break are multiplied by the ratio of slopes after and before the break.

Fig. 2-12


Go to Chapter 2B.