(translated from Spanish)

Presidencia Municipal

Tecate, Baja California

Direccion de Administracion Urbana, No. Oficio 898/03, No. Expediente 009718

Tecate, Baja California, December 11, 2003.

Mr. Rick Van Schoik
Managing Director
Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy

Dear Sirs:

I call your attention to the project "HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULICS FOR THE TECATE CREEK CORRIDOR RESTORATION," being proposed by Dr. Victor Miguel Ponce, of San Diego State University. The outcome of this project will be utilized by the Municipality of Tecate in the ecohydrological development of Tecate Creek.

The sustainable development policy that this municipality has been engaged, together with civil society, particularly with NGO's such as the Fundacion La Puerta and the Council for Economic Development of Tecate will be helped, in great part, with technical studies such as that proposed by Dr. Ponce.

Please let me know if I can be further assistance. My phone number is 665-654-1175 Ext. 1169, or egga@telnor.net.

Sincerely yours,


Arq. Eduardo German Gonzalez Aguirre

Director of Urban Administration