This report lists the activities and work completed during a Type B sabbatical leave taken Fall 2014. REPORTS COMPLETED
Copies of these reports have been posted on the web and are also attached. Plans are underway to incorporate the content of the first report into CIV E 633 Environmental Hydrology. This graduate course is being taught Fall 2015. JOURNAL PAPERS COMPLETED
These manuscripts have been (will be) submitted to the journal Tecnologia y Ciencias del Agua (TyCA). The first manuscript has been accepted and it is scheduled to be published December 2015. The second manuscript will be submitted shortly. RELATED TRAVEL AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS During the Fall 2014, Dr. Ponce visited the city of Loja, Ecuador, and its university, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. He conducted field and library research on the topics of the sabbatical leave. He also lectured extensively on the topics of his specialty.