PROJECT PHOTOS ALPHA08: Arroyo Pasajero, California [090417]

Intersection of Arroyo Pasajero with Highway 269, near Coalinga, CA.

Arroyo Pasajero, near Coalinga, CA.

Bypass to Arroyo Pasajero, near Coalinga, CA.

Sedimentation at Arroyo Pasajero Reservoir.

Farmland outside of Arroyo Pasajero Reservoir.

San Luis Canal near Arroyo Pasajero Reservoir.

San Luis Canal near Arroyo Pasajero Reservoir.

Levee between Arroyo Pasajero Reservoir and San Luis Canal.

Outlet works at Arroyo Pasajero Reservoir.

Desilting basin near outlet works of Arroyo Pasajero Reservoir.

Desilting basin near outlet works of Arroyo Pasajero Reservoir.

Rubber-gated overflow spillway at Arroyo Pasajero Reservoir.

Rubber-gated overflow spillway at Arroyo Pasajero Reservoir.

Rubber-gated overflow spillway at Arroyo Pasajero Reservoir.

Source of sediment to tributary of Arroyo Pasajero Reservoir.

Levee surrounding Arroyo Pasajero Reservoir, viewed from downstream.

Levee surrounding Arroyo Pasajero Reservoir, viewed from downstream.

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