Professor Sahar Ghanipoor Machiani
Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
College of Engineering

Dear Prof. Ghanipoor Machiani:

The CCEE Personnel Committee has evaluated the materials submitted by you for periodic evaluation of tenure-track faculty. The first performance review for reappointment, tenure, and promotion will take place during the next academic year. The following is a summary of the committee's comments in the areas of teaching, professional growth, and service.

Based on the evaluation of one course (CIV E 481), the Committee has determined that your teaching is good, near the departmental average. The students praise your command of the subject, passion for teaching, and availability to answer questions during office hours. The Committee recommends that you review your student evaluations with aim to improve your teaching in the future.

In the area of professional growth, the Committee acknowledges that you have published two (2) journal papers within the review period, and commends you for this effort. Likewise, the publication of one (1) preceedings paper is worthy of mention. The Committee encourages you to continue to actively seek external research funding to underpin the development of your research program.

In the area of service, the Committee commends you for your varied activities in college, university and community service.

Sincerely yours,

Victor M. Ponce, Professor

CCEE Personnel Committee Chair

cc: Janusz Supernak, Chair, Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
     XXX, College of Engineering RTP Representative
     Personnel Action File (4/xx/16)

Professor Xianfeng Yang
Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
College of Engineering

Dear Prof. Yang:

The CCEE Personnel Committee has evaluated the materials submitted by you for periodic evaluation of tenure-track faculty. The first performance review for reappointment, tenure, and promotion will take place during the next academic year. The following is a summary of the committee's comments in the areas of teaching, professional growth, and service.

Based on the evaluation of one course (CIV E 620), the Committee has determined that your teaching is excellent. The students praise your command of the subject and passion for teaching. The Committe encourages you to continue on the path you have set for yourself in teaching at an academic institution.

In the area of professional growth, the Committee acknowledges that you have published five (5) journal papers within the review period, and commends you for this effort. Likewise, the publication of two (2) preceedings papers is worthy of mention. The Committee encourages you to actively seek external research funding to underpin the development of your research program.

In the area of service, the Committee commends you for your current efforts. To be well rounded, the Committee recommends that you get involved in meaningful committee service.

Sincerely yours,

Victor M. Ponce, Professor

CCEE Personnel Committee Chair

cc: Janusz Supernak, Chair, Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
     XXX, College of Engineering RTP Representative
     Personnel Action File (4/xx/16)