Faculty Activity Report for Calendar Year 2013 I. Teaching Spring 2013 CIV E 401, Civil Engineering and Society, 2 sections, 53 students total CIV E 530, Open-channel hydraulics, 1 section, 12 students CIV E 634, Surface-water hydrology, 1 section, 4 students. Total: 9 units Fall 2013 CIV E 401, Civil Engineering and Society, 2 sections, 55 students total CIV E 530, Open-channel hydraulics, 1 section, 13 students CIV E 633, Environmental hydrology, 1 section, 13 students. CIV E 696, Advanced topics in water resources, 3 students. Total: 12 units II. Professional Growth A. Referred journal publications 1. None. B. Papers in referred conference proceedings
Ponce, V. M., R. D. Aguilar, and S. Kumar. 2013.
Estimación de parámetros de acuíferos
utilizando la recesión del flujo de base.
IV National Water Congress, Lima, Peru, June 13-14, 2013.
Aguilar, R. D., and V. M. Ponce. 2013.
de curvas de remanso utilizando pendiente crítica y calculadores en línea.
IV National Water Congress, Lima, Peru, June 13-14, 2013.
Ponce, V. M., R. D. Aguilar, and D. S. Smith. 2013.
Efecto de la fricción de forma en la curva de gasto de sedimentos.
IV National Water Congress, Lima, Peru, June 13-14, 2013.
1. Ponce, V. M. 2013.
Impacts of Soitec solar projects on Boulevard and surrounding communities,
San Diego County, California.
2. Ponce, V. M. 2013.
Comparison of sharp-crested weirs for discharge measurement in open-channel flow.
3. Ponce, V. M. and N. R. Nuccitelli. 2013.
Comparison of two Clark unit hydrographs.
4. Ponce, V. M. 2013.
La isoyeta de 800 mm: Salud y esperanza.
5. Ponce, V. M. 2013.
Creager and flood wave diffusion.
6. Ponce, V. M. 2013.
Cumulative impacts on water resources of large-scale energy projects in Boulevard and surrounding communities,
San Diego County, California.
7. Ponce, V. M. 2013.
Chow, Froude, and Vedernikov.
8. Ponce, V. M., S. Kumar, and R. D. Aguilar. 2013.
Regional aquifer parameters using baseflow recession.
9. Ponce, V. M. and R. D. Aguilar. 2013.
Gradually varied flow profiles using critical slope and online calculators.
10. Ponce, V. M. 2013.
Shu'luuk Wind Project DEIS: Comments - Water Issues.
11. Ponce, V. M., D. S. Smith, and R. D. Aguilar. 2013.
Effect of form friction on the sediment rating curve.
1. 30 online videos on diverse subjects.
1. 15 online calculators in diverse subjects of hydrology and hydraulics.
G. Invited lectures
1. 06 December 2013 --
Invited Lecture, Internacional Conference on Civil Engineering and Architecture,
Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizan, Huanuco, Peru:
Hydraulic Engineering Online (720 participants).
2. 05 December 2013 --
Invited Lecture, Internacional Conference on Civil Engineering and Architecture,
Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizan, Huanuco, Peru:
Hydraulic Engineering in the 21st Century
3. 28 October 2013 --
Invited Lecture, October 2013 Meeting, AWWA Student Chapter: Water Quality (10 participants).
4. 11 October 2013 --
Invited Lecture, EDIFICA 2013, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, México:
El Agua Frente al Cambio
5. 21 June 2013 --
Invited Lecture, Cesar Vallejo University, Chiclayo, Peru:
Water in view of change 6. 17 June 2013 -- Invited Lecture, National University Herminio Valdizan, Huanuco, Peru: Water in view of change (200 participants). 7. 11-12 June 2013 -- Keynote Lecture, IV National Water Congress, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru: Water in view of change (240 participants). 8. 11-12 June 2013 -- Lecturer, Two-day short course, IV National Water Congress, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru: Sedimentation Engineering (40 participants). 9. 10 June 2013 -- Invited Lecture, National Hydraulics Laboratory, Lima, Peru: Online Hydraulic Engineering (12 participants) 10. 10 June 2013 -- Invited Lecture, National Hydraulics Laboratory, Lima, Peru: Unsteady flow in open channels (12 participants) 11. 20-22 February 2013 -- Lecturer, Three-day short course, Doctoral Program in Water Resources, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru: Advanced environmental hydrology (16 participants). 12. 19 February 2013 -- Invited Lecture, National Hydraulics Laboratory, Lima, Peru: Water Engineering (8 participants) 13. 16 February 2013 -- Invited Lecture, National University Hermilio Valdizan, Huanuco, Peru: Hydraulic Engineering (60 participants)
III. Service A. Commitee Service 1. Member, Personnel Committee, SDSU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. 2. Chair, Search Committee, Water Resources position. |