Faculty Activity Report for Calendar Year 2011

I. Teaching

A. Courses taught

Spring 2011

1. CIVE 401 Civil Engineering and Society, 2 sections, 1 unit per section, 2 units total, 40 students total.

1. CIVE 445 Applied Hydrology, 3 units, 21 students

3. CIVE634 Surface-water Hydrology, 3 units, 9 students

Fall 2011

1. CIVE 401 Civil Engineering and Society, 2 sections, 1 unit per section, 2 units total, 64 students total

2. CIVE 530 Open-channel Hydraulics, 3 units, 19 students

3. CIVE 633 Environmental Hydrology, 3 units, 11 students

B. Students supervised

1. Leila Geramipour. M.S. thesis, chair of committee, graduation Fall 2011.

C. Undergraduate advising

1. 20 students, expected graduation 2012 and 2013.

D. Laboratory development

1. Developed the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory, and the Sedimentation Engineering Laboratory. Equipment totaling $75,000 is currently on order. The lab were completely refurbished in 2011. The labs reside in IT-103.

II. Professional Growth

A. Referred journal publications

1. None.

B. Papers in referred conference proceedings

1. None.

C. Papers in contributed proceedings

1. None.

D. Other publications.

1. Ponce, V. M. 2011. Unsteady flow with HEC-RAS. Online article.

2. Ponce, V. M. 2011. Sequestering all runoff. Online article.

3. Ponce, V. M. 2011. Initiation of motion based on Froude number. Online article.

4. Ponce, V. M. 2011. Synthetic unit hydrographs explained. Online article.

5. Ponce, V. M. 2011. El sentido incomún. Online article.

6. Ponce, V. M. 2011. La isoyeta de 800 mm anuales: Salud y esperanza. Online article.

7. Ponce, V. M. 2011. The 800-mm isohyet: Health and hope. Online article.

E. Online videos

1. The development of Engineering Hydrology, a series of 40 online videos for teaching hydrology on the web.

2. The development of Open Channel, a series of 35 online videos for teaching open-channel hydraulics on the web..

F. Invited lectures, short courses

  •   26 August 2011 -- Invited lecture, Third National Meeting, Federación Mexicana de Colegios de Ingenieros Civiles, Tijuana, Baja California, México: Online resources for hydraulic engineering  (200 participants)

  •   17 June 2011 -- Invited lecture, Escuela Superior de Ingenieria Mecanica y Electrica, Unidad Culhuacan, Mexico, D.F., Mexico: Online resources for teaching and research  (10 participants)

  •   1 June 2011 -- Invited lecture, Colegio de Ingenieros Civiles de Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico: Online resources for teaching and research (30 participants).

  •   19 January 2011 -- Invited lecture, Colegio de Ingenieros del Peru, Consejo Departamental Arequipa, Peru: The earth slope slides in the Vitor valley, Arequipa, Peru (65 participants).

  •   13-15 January 2011 -- Lecturer, Three-day short course, Doctoral Program in Water Resources, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru: Advanced environmental hydrology (15 participants).

  •   6-7 January 2011 -- Lecturer, Two-day short course, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Loja (Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja), Loja, Ecuador: Environmental hydrology (74 participants)

    III. Service

    A. Commitee Service

    1. Member, Finance Committee, SDSU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

    2. Member, Personnel Committee, SDSU Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

    5. Member, Computer Policy Committee, SDSU College of Engineering.