CIVE 638 Sedimentation Engineering, Fall 2022, Midterm Exam: 222018 1730-1900

(a) Please answer only ten (10) questions.
(b) The exam should be typed. Use MS Word if appropriate.
(c) Clarity of presentation and appropriate grammar are required.
(d) Submit your completed exam in PDF format.
(e) Submit your exam to the course email by 19:00 on Tuesday, October 18.

  1. What is the specific gravity of a typical sediment particle?

  2. Under what circumstance would a sand-sized particle be considered washload?

  3. (a) What is Prof. Ponce's friction formula? (b) What is its main advantage, compared to the Manning equation?

  4. How does Prof. Ponce's friction equation help justify Jarrett's principle?

  5. What is the fundamental job of a cowboy? Explain in erosion and sedimentation terms.

  6. Why is bunchgrass better able to reduce erosion that an annual weed?

  7. How does terracing lead to water conservation and erosion control?

  8. (a) What type of ecosystem and associated geomorphology would lead to the prevalence of black river waters, as opposed to sediment-laden river waters? (b) What is a good example of this situation?

  9. (a) According to Einstein, what is the main cause of river meandering? (b) Is the control of meandering a viable endeavor across the timeframes?

  10. (a) Why is the Atachafalaya poised to eventually prevail over the Mississippi river as the main outlet to the Gulf of Mexico? (b) Who is standing in the way of this not happening in the near future?

  11. Why and how did the flooding of the Salton Sea happened in the winter of 1905-06? State the hydraulic and hydrologic reasons.

  12. (a) What is hungry water? (b) Under what circumstances does it occur? (c) How can it be controlled?

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