CIVE 634 Surface-water Hydrology, Fall 2022 Midterm Exam: 221010 1730-1900

(a) Please answer only ten (10) questions.
(b) The exam should be typed. Use MS Word if appropriate.
(c) Clarity of presentation and appropriate grammar are required.
(d) Submit your completed exam in PDF format.
(e) Submit your exam to the course email by 19:00 on Monday, October 10.

  1. (a) What are the Hadley and Ferrell cells? (b) How do they affect precipitation across northern latitudes?

  2. (a) What is the main conceptual difference between the conventional water balance and that of L'vovich? (b) What is the main drawback of the conventional method?

  3. Describe four (4) important properties of water that make it unique.

  4. (a) What is the main difference between the Penman and Penman-Monteith methods for the calculation of evaporation? (b) Did the Shuttleworth-Wallace method improve on the Penman-Monteith method? At what cost?

  5. (a) How did Mockus arrive at his famous equation for soil loss? (b) What does the equation do?

  6. What sets Mockus' method apart from other soil infiltration formulas such as Green and Ampt? What is missing from the physically based infiltration models?

  7. (a) How does baseflow vary across the climatic spectrum, from superarid to superhumid? (b) Why?

  8. (a) What four (4) variables are included in the formula for theoretical time of concentration in overland flow? (b) Which are in the numerator? Which are in the denominator?

  9. (a) What is surface albedo? (b) How does surface albedo affect the amount of precipitation?

  10. (a) What is El Niño? (b) To what do atmospheric scientists attribute the root cause of El Niño?

  11. Why is drought persistence (drought duration lasting more than one year) likely to peak around the middle of the precipitation spectrum?

  12. Describe the concept of the 800-mm isohyet and its relation to the principle of sustainability.

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