Civil Engineering - Faculty Search VPAA 2018 (Water Resources):  Criteria for Evaluation of Candidates
Minimum qualifications

• B.S. in Civil Engineering (circle appropriate answer):    YES    NO

• Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (circle appropriate answer):    YES    NO

If the answer is NO to any of the above questions, DO NOT PROCEED FURTHER.

Teaching criteria (45%)

1. Experience in teaching hydraulics, hydrology, and/or water resources courses at the undergraduate and graduate level

2. Teaching evaluations, awards and recognition

Research criteria (45%)

1. Record of refereed publications, print and online

2. Record of nonrefereed publications, including oral presentations

3. Record of funded research

4. Potential for interdisciplinary collaboration (intramural/extramural)

5. Mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students

Service criteria (10%)

1. Local activity and recognition (county, state)

2. National and international activity and recognition.