Benchmarking, Technological Upgradation and Capacity Building Programme

of the

National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India

Inception Report

Victor M. Ponce

Consultant to the World Bank

14 May 2012

1. Introduction

This Inception Report is submitted in compliance with the requirements of the contract between the Consultant and the World Bank, in reference to the project entitled: "Benchmarking, Technological Upgradation and Capacity Building Programme of the National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India". Hereafter, the term NIH refers to the National Institute of Hydrology, India. This report specifies the approach, methodology, and work plan required to accomplish the project objectives in a timely manner.

The report prepared by NIH staff entitled: "Current Status and Working of National Institute of Hydrology" constitutes the baseline document for the benchmarking, upgrading, and capacity building exercise. Its Section 8 entitled: "Benchmarking and Technological Upgradation of NIH Including Capacity Building" forms an integral part of the current project.

2. Approach

The Consultant has scheduled two (2) two-week visits to learn first-hand the activities of NIH and be able to undertake the benchmarking exercise in an effective manner. During the first visit, in May 2012, the Consultant will review all staff activities, physical facilities, laboratories, and equipment, including hardware and software. The Consultant will note the quantity and quality of the facilities and equipment, and take note of areas of current strength as well as areas in need of improvement. During the second visit, in July 2012, the Consultant will confirm the assessment and details that will go into the Final Report.

The benchmarking exercise will be the focal activity of the first visit. The benchmarking will be accomplished in two modes: (1) Peer benchmarking, and (2) Content benchmarking. The first mode is the identification of peer institutions within a regional and global reach. The objective is to identify up to twenty-four (24) institutions with mission and activities such that they can be properly considered NIH peers. The chosen institutions will be located primarily in Asia (regional reach) and Europe (global reach). American institutions (North and South America) will also be considered as appropriate.

The second mode is the Content Benchmarking. The Consultant has identified one-hundred (100) Facets [types] of hydrology, meaning current fields of study related to the hydrological sciences. The Consultant will create a Content Benchmarking Matrix (CBM) which will show the extent to which current NIH goals, activities, and accomplishments fulfill any and all of the fields listed in the Facets. In the Final Report, the Consultant will reconcile the results of the CBM with his recommendations for increased or decreased emphasis, if appropriate. To accomplish this objective, the Consultant will interact with NIH leadership and staff to ensure that the recommendations are consistent with local and regional realities.

3. Methodology

With reference to the Peer Benchmarking mode, the Consultant is currently preparing a preliminary list of countries with peer institutions in the focal regions. This list will be finalized after the Consultant completes the first field visit. Countries currently being considered are: China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Pakistan, The Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel, Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Belarus, and Ukraine.

With reference to the Content Benchmarking mode, the Consultant's website contains the list of hydrology fields to be used as an analysis tool. The CBM paired index will have two components:

  1. Intensity of coverage index, varying from 0 to 5, reflecting the extent to which the facet/field is being covered by NIH; and

  2. Emphasis index, varying from 0 to 3, broadly encompassing the need for increased/same/decreased emphasis in themes, staffing, resources, and output.

The intensity of coverage index will indicate: 0, no activity; 1, low; 2, low to medium; 3, medium; 4, medium to high; 5, high. The emphasis index with indicate: 0, not applicable; 1, to decrease emphasis; 2, to maintain emphasis; and 3, to increase emphasis. The accompanying text will describe the nature of the change in emphasis. Index assignments will be based on the Consultant's perception and experience.

In the Final Report, the Consultant will reconcile the results of the benchmarking exercise with his recommendations, considering both global trends in hydrological sciences and local practices and culture.

4. Work Plan

During the first field visit (May 2012), the Consultant will accomplish the following objectives:

  1. Confer with NIH staff seeking input to finalize the list of peer countries and institutions.

  2. After appropriate consultation with NIH staff, match NIH fields of activity with the Facets to begin the process of developing the content benchmarking matrix (CBM).

  3. Visit and inspect all divisions and labs to perform the appraisal.

  4. Hold meetings with heads of four regional centres and two centres for flood management to assess their role and contributions to the NIH objectives.

  5. Hold meetings with suitable representatives of NIH clients to assess their perceptions of the extent to which NIH is satisfying its goals, and to solicit appropriate input.

5. Concluding Remarks

This report is the first of four reports considered under the project "Benchmarking, Technological Upgradation and Capacity-Building Programme of the National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India." It contains the plan of work for the first field visit. A second report, to be completed after the first field visit, will cover the benchmarking exercise (Task A). A third report will cover the training aspects (Task B). A fourth report (in draft and final form) will cover all aspects, including the equipment needs aspects (Task C).

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