CIVE 401, Civil Engineering and Society, Fall 2006, Midterm, Section 01

Your name (Last, [MI, ] First):      

   Your name:   

Your Red ID:     

   Your RED ID:   

1. About how many years ago did the agricultural revolution start?    

   Your answer:   

2. For about how many years has the term "civil engineer" been in use?    

   Your answer:   

3. What is the process responsible for the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere?    

   Your answer:   

4. What is the process directly responsible for the presence of sodium chloride in the flowing surface waters?    
   Your answer:   

5. What value approximates the average salinity of the sea?    

   Your answer:   

6. What is the average global terrestrial precipitation?    
   Your answer:   

7. What is the main reason why humans tend to concentrate on the dry side of the climatic spectrum?    
   Your answer:   

8. What percentage of California's water use originates in groundwater?    
   Your answer:   

9. What is the most important job of cowboys?    
   Your answer:   

10. What target percentage of renewable energy will California strive to achieve by the year 2010?    
   Your answer:   

  Your request was processed at  07:59:13 am on March 10th, 2025   [ 250310  07:59:13 ].

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CIVE 401, Civil Engineering and Society, Fall 2006, Midterm, Section 02

Your name (Last, [MI, ] First):      

   Your name:   

Your Red ID:     

   Your RED ID:   

1. What year was the beginning of the Environmental Revolution?    

   Your answer:   

2. When was the world wide web introduced to average users?    

   Your answer:   

3. When was the first reinforced concrete bridge built?    

   Your answer:   

4. What is the approximate chemical composition of the atmosphere?    

   Your answer:   

5. What is the process responsible for the presence of nitrogen in the atmosphere?    

   Your answer:   

6. What value approximates the annual rate of increase of CO2 in the atmosphere?    

   Your answer:   

7. What is the process directly responsible for sediment in the flowing surface waters?    
   Your answer:   

8. What is the average period of surface-water recycling?    
   Your answer:   

9. What is the current concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere?    
   Your answer:   

10. What controls the stability of the biosphere?    
   Your answer:   

  Your request was processed at  07:59:13 am on March 10th, 2025   [ 250310  07:59:13 ].

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