online_vee_notch1:   Calculation of discharge through a fully contracted V-notch weir

V-notch weir

Q = 4.28 Ce tan (θ/2) (H + k)5/2          [in U.S. Units]

Head H on the weir, in m [or ft]
Width B of the channel, in m [or ft]
Side width b, in m [or ft]
Angle θ  in radians
Ce and k are function only of θ
(in degrees)

Discharge Q  in L/s [or cfs]

For a fully contracted V-notch weir:  H/B ≤ 0.2
Partially contracted 90° V-notch weir calculator
See USBR Manual for general methodology

INPUT DATA:       [Description]

Select Units:     

Head H :     
[ H > 0 ]
Width B :     
[ B > 0 ]
Width b :     
[ b > 0 ]
Angle θ (degrees) :     
[ θ > 0 ]


Warning:  Ratio b/H = 0 < 2.

Ratio H/B = 0 ≤ 0.2.  Weir is fully contracted.

Discharge  Q :   0  


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