Dear Prof. Alves:

The Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Department Personnel Committe has evaluated the materials that you have submitted for reappointment to the rank of assistant professor. I am pleased to inform you that the Committee recommends that you be reappointed for a fourth probationary year.

The Committee considers your teaching effectiveness to be very good to excellent. Over the past year, your teaching evaluations have improved substantially. The Committee notes that you have supervised one thesis and one project in the past year. The student comments are very positive, and show that you are successfully instilling upon your students your interest on the subject. In addition, your participation in the ExCEEd workshop, held at the national level, demonstrates that you are striving for excellence in teaching.

The Committee considers your professional growth to be good. You show an internal grant and two refereed journal articles in the past year, one in the prestigious Lean Construction Journal. You also show two papers in review for possible publication. The Committee wishes to stress that publication in recognized journals is considered a measure of scholarship, and wishes to encourage you to continue to actively pursue this path. Along with publications, the development of a meaningful research program that successfully engages students is also considered by the Committee as a measure of scholarship. The Committee notes that you have produced a host of articles in referred proceedings, and commends you on the substance of this effort. However, the Committee recommends that you concentrate your efforts on the publication in fully refereed journals.

The Committee considers your service to be excellent. While recognizing your demonstrated ability in this area, the Committee recommends that you reassess your time management to strive for a balanced approach in the three areas of evaluation.

In summary, the Committee finds your teaching effectiveness to be very good to excellent, your professional growth to be good, and your service to be excellent. The Committee congratulates you on your efforts, and looks forward to your continued progress.

You have the right to submit a response or rebuttal in writing to this letter of recommendation. If you choose to submit a written response, it must be delivered to the departmental office by October XX, 2011 using the response/rebuttal form available from the Faculty Affairs website (

Sincerely yours,

Victor M. Ponce

Chair, Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Department Personnel Committee
