The Colca Canyon, in Arequipa, Peru, is famous for its condor sightings. In 1995, during a visit to the canyon, Bernardino, our local guide, shared with me the following story.

An acquaintance of his, a time-tested Colca guide, had told a group of tourists that he could help them sight the elusive condor in a grand way. Hired to do the job, he proceeded to kill a burro and deposit its remains in a strategic location, where he knew the condor would take notice. He then asked the party to leave and to return five days later, explaining that the condor does not eat fresh dead meat.

On the morning of the fifth day, a couple of condors appeared on the horizon and proceeded to inspect the site without actually descending on the burro's carcass. The following day, an enormous condor, apparently the head of the group, descended on the carcass, duly accompanied by his understudy. They proceeded to feast only on the eyes and the anus, leaving immediately afterwards. Some time later, a group of more than twenty condors descended on the site, and rapidly took care of the rest of the carcass. The tourists were pleased, and Bernardino's friend showed once more that he was a master of the ways of the condor.

The Colca Canyon, in Arequipa, Peru.

The Colca Canyon, in Arequipa, Peru.