In 1977, while I was on the faculty at Colorado State University, I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Dr. Horst Indlekofer, who was at CSU on sabbatical from the Technical University of Aachen, Germany. Horst and I wrote two papers on the convergence of numerical models of water and sediment routing.1,2 The numerical properties of sand-wave models was a particular focus of our research.

One day, Horst invited me to dinner at his home. While I was there, I noticed that he had several excellent paintings on the walls of his apartment. I learned then that he liked to paint as a way of relaxing after a tiring day at work. One painting particularly interested me, because it depicted in full color the instability of the sand waves that we were modeling at school.

A couple of weeks later, I invited Horst to dinner at my home. Horst arrived with his wife, and to my surprise, presented me with his painting on the instability of the sand waves. He said that since I liked it, I should have it.

Of all my experiences at CSU, this is certainly one of the most memorable. To this day, Horst's painting hangs on the wall of my house and brings back fond memories of bygone years.

1 Ponce, V. M., H. Indlekofer, and D. B. Simons. 1978. Convergence of four-point implicit water wave models. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 104(HY7), 947-958.
2 Ponce, V. M., H. Indlekofer, and D. B. Simons. 1979. The convergence of implicit bed transient models. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, ASCE, 105(HY4), 351-363.

Horst Indlekofer (1977)
Horst Indlekofer (1977)