WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2009, 1900-2100
Name: _______________________ RED ID ____________________ Grade: _______
Instructions: Open book, closed notes. Use engineering paper.
When you are finished, staple your work in sequence,
and return this sheet with your work. Answer all questions (One bonus question).
- How are the increase in flood magnitude and the drying of springs related? Explain.
- Why did Woolhiser and Liggett switched their research emphasis from dynamic to kinematic wave modeling in the mid 1960s?
- What is the basis of the Clark method of unit hydrograph generation? Is the Clark method lumped or distributed?
Is the modified Clark method included in HEC-HMS lumped or distributed?
- Why is baseflow recession better than pump tests to assess regional aquifer characteristics? What aquifer characteristic, other than size,
determines baseflow recession?
- How do distributed methods (overland flow)
fare in relation to lumped methods (unit hydrograph) in watershed modeling?
What are their advantages and disadvantages when scale is taken into account?
- Why is it generally better to do a watershed model for flood analysis than to use statistical analyses based on
long-term records?
- What is the apparent reason for the asymptotic behavior of the sediment rating curve, toward constant
sediment concentration at high water discharges? What is the theoretical value of the sediment-transport function
[gs = f(v)] that would result in constant sediment concentration?
- What are the advantages and disadavantages of sediment retention basins? What is Lane's relation?
What is the modified Lane relation?
- What is the apparent cause of global warming? How does it affect hydrologic practice?
- Which solids carried by a river are good? Which one is bad? Why?
What is the conceptual value of anthropogenic-to-pristine runoff ratio to maintain salt balance?
Which California basin is in salt balance today? Which is not?