online_contraction_scour_clear_water:  Contraction scour under clear water conditions
using Laursen equation 1963

Laursen formula 1963

ys / yo = {[( Ku Q 2 ) / ( Dm0.667W 2)] 0.429 (1/yo)}  -  1

[ ys, yo, Q, Dm and W in any consistent units ]
[ Ku = 0.025 in SI units; Ku = 0.0077 in U.S. units ]


Evaluating Scour at Bridges, FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 18,
Fifth Edition, 2012.

INPUT DATA:      [Description]     [Sample Input]


Mean flow depth below the bridge, before scour yo :      


Discharge in the contracted section Q :      


Bottom width in the contracted section, excluding piers W :      


Median diameter of the bed material D50 :      



SI units (metric)

Contraction scour depth
under clear water conditions
ys :     

Press button to
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