1.1 Introduction
Over 100 years ago, Louis Sullivan discovered how to use steel to make buildings higher than ever. With this discovery there was a wave of development of giant steel skyscrapers. Today, at the turn of the 21st century there is a new wave in building technology. We are now developing ways to make buildings more ecologically sound than ever. For the past 15 to 20 years many people have been designing houses and small developments using environmentally friendly methods and materials to sustain development. Within the past 5 years this concept of Green Architecture has blown up and is catching on with many developers of skyscrapers. The steel giants of the past are being replaced with the Green Giants of the future.
Building upward instead of outward is important in the way we use our space. By building upward we can reduce the distance needed to travel on a daily basis, thus reducing the amount of pollution due to vehicles. Furthermore, building upward also reduces the amount of land needed to house our homes, office spaces, et cetera. New technology is making it easier to conserve energy and water, as well as maximizing the use of recycled materials in developing skyscrapers.

Fig. 1: Computer generated image of the Four Times Square Building developed by The Durst Organization.
"Build it green, and green will come," said Douglas Durst, one of today's leaders in green architecture, at a press conference for the new Four Times Square building in New York. This building demonstrates how efficient building green can be. The total cost of building with a "green" was estimated to have been 4% more than what the building cost would have been using conventional designs. However, due to the ecologically friendly systems implemented in the building, this cost is expected to be paid off by the end of 2005 and will turn a profit in 2006.
The systems listed below and throughout this report contribute to making our buildings more sustainable than ever. Building Green together with pressure from owners on tenants to implement environmentally friendly workspaces and living areas will help reduce our negative impact on the environment. There is much room left for improvement and development of new "green" technologies, some of which is currently being researched.
1.2 Alternative Energy Sources
There are several different energy sources that can be harnessed to reduce the necessity of using diesel and coal burning energy sources. The most important one is solar power. Solar power can be used both passively and actively.
Passive designs used for solar power include designs for lighting as well as designs for temperature control. To reduce the necessity of artificial lighting, wall to wall windows can be used allowing sunlight to pour in and fill the entire building. New low emissivity windows are now available. These windows allow more light to pass through the glass while providing better insulation blocking the transmission of energy. Another passive system for solar power uses the sun's energy to heat the building, or parts of it during the winter. This system consists of a large mass, usually stone or concrete, that is placed where it will receive sunlight during the winter, and not during the summer. This causes the mass to heat up during the winter and emit heat into the building. Then in the summer, when the mass is no longer absorbing sunlight, it will be absorbing heat from the air allowing the room to cool better.
A more active way to harness solar power is to implement photovoltaic panels into the building design. These panels create a reaction using UV rays to create electricity. Building-integrated photovoltaic (PV) panels supplement the building's electrical needs. Thin-film PV panels can be placed on the upper floors of the building on the southern and eastern sides. They are integrated into the area of the building below rows of windows. Because the panels are integrated into the curtain wall, they double as the facade, saving materials and cost.
Wind power can also be used to conserve energy. Wind is most used for ventilation purposes, which are discussed further in section 2 Ecological Architecture. An active way to harness wind power is by implementing wind farms on top of the building. The tops of skyscrapers provide a great location for wind farms. Because they are so high above the ground, wind speeds are higher and can produce large amounts of

Fig. 2: Image of a wind farm designed for The Freedom Tower.
power. These systems are only beginning to be used and have limits. One potential problem of these systems is ice forming on the blades due to the elevation, which could fall on someone in the street below. Extensive analysis must be done before implementing such systems in order to determine the direction of maximum wind force, risk, and cost of electricity. These systems are expensive and are more reasonable in areas like New York where energy costs are extremely high.
Energy can also be conserved by using equipment that is more energy efficient as well as equipment that is less reliable on electricity as a power source. One example of this is the new gas fired chilling system. Natural gas powered absorption chillers/heaters, usually located on the roof, can supply chilled and hot water to cool and heat the building. Comprising an absorber, a generator, a pump, and a recuperative heat exchanger, the chillers do not use ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Usually several different sized systems will be used, so they can be used at different times or in combination to match the building's needs.
In addition to the use of gas powered equipment, fuel cells can also be implemented into the design. Fuel cells, which can usually produce around 200-kw, use natural gas to generate power through a chemical reaction. The cells can provide up to 100% of the nighttime electric demand without combustion. Hot water and carbon dioxide are the only by-products. The hot water is used to help heat the building during the winter and to help heat domestic hot water. In the United States, 42% of all energy produced is lost as waste heat in combustion and transmission; generating energy on site and without combustion avoids substantial energy loss.
Natural-gas power is fairly abundant, but is a limited resource. Systems are currently being researched to produce gas on site. More information on this topic can be found in section 1.5 Wastewater Management.
1.3 Recycled Construction Materials
Environmentally responsible construction is critical. Choosing non-toxic and biodegradable materials as well as sustainably harvested wood and low-water-use equipment minimizes the harmful environmental impact. Resource conservation is also a priority. The structure can be designed in ways to minimize the use of steel. One example of this is the hat truss at the top of the 4 Time Square building. This truss significantly reduced the amount of steel used. The structure provides a rigid frame for resisting wind loads and reduces building sway. The continued development and use of concrete as a structural element can also reduce the amount of steel needed. Much of the nonstructural elements of the building can be developed using recycled materials. This includes flooring, insulation, and drywall.
1.4 Solid Waste Management
By owners imposing regulations on tenants waste, the solid waste produced from the building will be minimized and managed more efficiently. One important design feature of the building which encourages recycling is to develop separate trash shuts for recycled materials. Four separate shuts should be designed. One for food waste, one for metals, plastics, and glass, one for paper, and one for other trash. Each separate bin will be sent to the appropriate agency for recycling or disposal. Another solid waste management system which has not yet been researched, but may be available for use in skyscrapers in the future is the use of incinerators on-site or near the building.
1.5 Wastewater Management
Several systems can be used to minimize the water that is wasted from the building. One system collects and stores rain-water from the building. The water can later be used to cool the building as well as watering nearby plants. Grey water, water from sinks and showers, can also be minimally treated onsite and used for watering plants nearby as well as for cleaning the building's facade. Because of the photovoltaic panels and wall to wall windows, keeping the surface of the building clean will a larger scale operation than other buildings. Waterless urinals can also be installed in the building to reduce the use of water.
Currently being studied is the development of on-site primary wastewater treatment. The wastewater treatment facilities could be housed in the lowest levels where car garages might normally be placed. Not including parking levels in the design would encourage tenants to use public transportation, thus minimizing the pollution from vehicles. The purpose of the primary treatment facilities is to collect a sludge which can be used for anaerobic digestion, a process that produces methane and other usable gasses.
Anaerobic digestion is a process that is currently used in wastewater treatment. The sludge is placed in chambers with the right amount of micro-organisms and no oxygen. Because the micro-organisms are left without oxygen to digest the organic matter that makes up the sludge, they create methane during the break down process (see Fig.3 below). This process creates a byproduct of methane gas, which can be used as a power source. After this process most of the liquid waste can be turned into solid waste, which can then be used for fertilizers.

Fig. 3 High-rate anaerobic digestion flow diagram. (Cheremesinoff 1996)
Wastewater treatment and anaerobic digestion is a process full of bad odor that no one would like to be around. However, scrubbing all air that comes out of this system would eliminate the odor. To clean the air, the air is sent through a large vertical chamber that contains objects of high surface area and high permeability (they look like wiffle balls). A scrubbing agent, usually chloramines, is sprayed from the top of the chamber and falls to the bottom. Because of the high surface area of the wiffle balls, the air makes contact with a large amount of the scrubbing agent and is released without odor.